Sunday, 8 May 2011

May Felting at Weleda

A sprinkling of May rain freshened the morning and paved the way for a glorious few hours immersed in colour and the beautiful softness that merino wool brings - so many inspiring ideas were put into action and out of a pile of colourful wool - these masterpieces were created

As each layer was applied, the pictures and forms started to unfold.

Everyone took their inspirations from completely different places, apart from two, whose inspiration came from a tiny lion-hearted fellow...

As the soap suds began to work into a lather and the hard work of rubbing and rolling began, the fibres began to form wonderful toughened pieces still retaining that gorgeous soft quality.... here are some of the finished ones

Big thank you to all that came, unleashed their creativity within this very warm and welcoming group. As usual, it was a pleasure and privilege be part of the process.